Monday, February 6, 2012

Loving this rainy summer

Sure, there haven't been many beach days this summer, 
but Sydney's gardens are loving the rain.

Plants like Frangipani (Plumeria actuifolia), and Magnolia "Little Gem" (Magnolia grandifloralove to get wet, while the hardy Cordyline "Red Sensation" can cope with a variety of conditions. Grey leaf Lomandra (Lomandra confertifolia) provides a border for the back lawn.

At the front of the property, Agave (Agave attenuata), succulents that adore a humid environment, are bordered by purple leaved dwarf Flax (Phormium tenax "Elphin"), coastal rosemary (Westringia fruiticosa "Zena") and Cordyline.

A young Sydney Red Gum (Angophora costata) will provide 
colour and shade to a height of 15-20 metres at maturity. 

The border hedge of purple leaved Hop Bush (Dodonea viscosa) continues along the entire boundary, providing a thick screen at the side of the house.

The two Frangipani will provide shade and scent during the summer, while the dwarf Lillypilly (Syzigium "Hinterland Gold") will screen the fence 
with a lush, 3 metre tall hedge 
for privacy and an additional layer of green.

Kristen Martin, Landscape Architect
The Butchart Gardens, Landscaping

For a garden consultation

James Butchart
0408 264 964


  1. makes me want to put my gardening gloves on.


    1. You are very welcome to join James at the next project in Bronte!

  2. Check us out on Twitter @gardensbutchart and like us on Facebook
